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Posts posted by seph_88

  1. You know, i was thinking of putting Mylene on there, but like Mao she doesn't really qualify, she doesn't really sing her own songs and really only provides backing to basara, so i guess that makes it tougher, but hey what can you do. She has talent no doubt, but being in the same band as basara really has put a cap on her being a proper songstress.

    For me the decision is really hard, song wise having the best songs, i'd say probably sheryl or ranka, who have had the best choices of songs as of yet. However as a character and seeing through battles like a proper songstress, you would have to give props to minmay and basara too, probably more to basara since he is in the thick of it aswell whereas the rest are singing from a macross class ship or larger.

    Nobody has mentioned sara or ishtar yet. Sara having survived a forest nuke and suceeded in waking the protoculture, which no one else has ever done with their song, but i guess others have summoned vajra and protodevlins instead.... but come on the protoculture was pretty epic. Ishtar on the other hand is a songstress for the marduk, one of many apparently, but the only one to perform to the best of her abilities ontop of an exploding macross in the inevitable face of doom, give her some props for that.

  2. I did a search, nothing came up so i decided to make a poll on it. Anyway, you've got your best pilots poll, but who is the best singer? Remember these nominees have the power to affect galactic aramadas with just the power of their voices, unparralleled even by the mounted cannons on macross class ships.

    I've put the main singers from each macross show on it, the ones that had the main screentime anyway. I was considering putting Mao on there, but she doesn't really count, as she only sings in the last episode with the villagers anyway.

    For these nominees to qualify they have to possess at least 3 of the following:

    1. One of the main characters in the show

    2. Perform at least one of their own original songs during the show

    3. Sing like a muse during a heated battle

    4. Be a well known idol in their era

    5. Is the main act at their own concert whereby tickets must be purchased

    6. Singing vocals posess special effects such as affecting Anima Spiritia, Fold waves etc.

    7. Be involved in a classic macross love triangle

  3. I'd have to agree shin shouldn't even be in the top pilot rankings, but then again he was in a position just like roy, never even seen a VF before, so it's natural that even if he is a hot shot with jet fighters, piloting a valkyrie was way over his head, and he only just got to grips with it near the end. I guess i have to cut him some slack since roy help test pilot the 0 and ivanov and nora both tested the sv's, the only airtime that shin got with the 0 is the time we saw him fly.

    If he had gotten better during the short zero stint, he would have had a montage, because you know, even rocky had a montage....... (always fade out in montage.....)

  4. Still i think there should be an ***Official Macross World Pilot Ranking***starsstarstarexclaimation Table, never leave loose ends open, that's what i say.

    Plus it's obvious, alto would love a bit of fun with sheryl on the side whilest serioiusly going out with ranka in the long run.

  5. Sorry to exhume this topic, but i noticed that most of you place ozma above alto. However in the fight where alto is commanded to take out the sms pirates, he appears in an inferior vf-17 against the vf-25s, and ends it with a draw against ozma both getting a hit on each other, and tbh that says to me that if they were both in equal craft, alto would be better than ozma. However no doubt that brera is better than both.

    You could make this topic into a card game, since some pilots may not have the skill like Max, but have better team skills that are overlooked like Hikaru and Roy.

    Also in the day as mentioned earlier Roy as a test pilot had to take on more risks than maybe Isamu due to untested theories. To Isamu, transforming jet fighters was nothing new, but to Roy that phrase may have sounded completely ridiculous and thus taking on that risk for testing and verifying the machine's ability for data aswell as looking after your crew took some skills and guts/bravery.

    Also I'd agree with some previous comments that Isamu is slightly better than Guld, given the craft they were duking out with each other the when yf-21 was technologically better.

    Some were saying that Guld only required willpower to take out the ghost. It requires a high level of concentration aswell as willpower and objective focus since he was also having his body crushed against forces, which a lot of pilots need to train up resistance for anyway and that goes towards being a good pilot in the first place. If anything doing this whilest knowing how twitchy the BDS was would put Guld quite high up in the list.

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