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Mellow Yellow

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Posts posted by Mellow Yellow

  1. Just scored the Max 1J off Mandarake for 5000 yen :D

    Damn! That was you? I made an order for it but got back the "item out of stock" email in return lol :(

  2. Here's a pic of my trooper vanguard. Took until level 25 to get this look with gear I currently use. Can't find any lvl appropriate plastiform style boots tho, so I'm stuck wearing ugly blue and white boots with crazy knee guards. Also a pic of the stap mount that comes with collector's/digital deluxe version of the game.



  3. you can auto run multiple ways with: 1) num lock, 2) holding both mouse 1 and 2 at the same time while steering with the mouse, or 3) if you have a gaming mouse, the auto run is auto bound to one of the page forward/backward buttons. Careful about auto running off a cliff, or into mobs tho, it's an auto run, not auto pilot :p

  4. Are there any contested zones where both factions have to quest? Or is all pvp a queue based battleground type? I remember the days in WoW where someone from the opposite faction comes out of no where and you gotta fight for your life. Really makes it fun and gets the blood pumping :lol:

  5. I found SWTOR to be pretty refreshing in comparison to World of Workcraft. Since there's no auto attack, you can spam your basic skill with mouse1. It makes combat a bit more involving (at least for me). One thing I found lacking was any type of elevated land like mountains that I could climb and overlook the land. The foot travel in general just feels more restricted than WoW, but I guess thems the breaks when your setting is intergalactic with multiple planets. I had 6 days to play in the beta. I was a jedi guardian for the first 5, then on the last day I made a trooper and was like, oh my god, I've just wasted all my time playing a jedi :lol:. Trooper face rolls some gold elites with ranged weapons + companion help hehe.

  6. Maison Ikkoku is awesome and unlike alot of Rumiko's serial stuff actually has an ending.

    Currently watching Initial D Stages 1-4 again. Forgot how much fun it was. Sparsely throwing in some episodes of Scrapped Princess, finished the first dvd but this series really isn't grabbing my attention, and probably going to start History's Greatest Disciple Kenichi soon.

    First disc of Scrapped Princess as in 3 disc HK R1 bootleg, or 6 disc R1? In any case, try to stick with it until at least episode 13 when the more interesting information about their world is revealed ;) I remember picking up this series way back when just after it ended when I read about all the positive opinions from the animesuki forums; I thought it was pretty good myself at the end of it :)

  7. While I liked the idea of sniper mecha and the way it was depicted in Frontier, I must add that it was obviously taken from Gundam 00.... a very very overhyped anime (I've seen it and re-seen and I still do not like it!!!).

    I find this claim pretty ridiculous. A lot of mecha are humanoid, so it's only natural that their hand-held armament be of human origin in design. These include knives, swords, pistols, smg's, rifles, sniper rifles, shields, etc. This is like me saying Macross Plus totally rips off Mobile Suit Gundam because they gave the VF-11, YF-19, and YF-21 shields, or anyone who wields an oversized sword totally stole the design from Cloud in Final Fantasy VII (who obviously isn't the first dude to wield a big ass sword)

    While not plentiful, I can only think of two shows before Gundam 00 where mecha used sniper rifles; Evangelion with the positron rifle and Gundam 08th MS team's GM sniper.

  8. Rogue is one of my favourite X-Men characters probably second after only Wolverine. While overall the Bishoujo Rogue is a really nice PVC like almost everything anime/manga related the face is very lackluster IMO. Take note when I was at SDCC they had a proto up of a slightly altered Bishoujo Rogue that will feature Gambit's full coat. When I asked one of the numerous attractive Japanese females staffing their area (her name escapes me atm) she apologetically stated that it wasn't supposed to be actually on display <_< I was going to try and take a picture but some huge cow suddenly appeared and loomed over the display case and when I went back it was gone.

    Still haven't seen or heard where this other version will show up. Anyone else got any info?

    Long coat rogue is estimated to arrive January 2010, according to BBTS and limited to 1000. I was going to get the bishoujo Rogue as well, but felt the same about the face and passed. I'll wait and see what the Psylocke one looks like ^_^

  9. I need to vent

    SO here goes

    It took me a whole month to track down english subs for MS 08th Team in avi format

    I loved it !

    Im really into gundam now

    Now i want to find MS IGLOO and Zeta 2009 and dammit i cant find english avi sub files

    There is either mkv which plays all choppy on my vlc player or its in spanish subs!!!

    Please help

    What can i use to play MKV files that isnt choppy

    I'd give The KMPlayer a try. It worked for me. Just choose the low performance option so it runs on slower machines during initial setup. You can use either CCCP codecs or The KMPlayer's internal codecs.

  10. is this confirmed/written on the box?

    LOL!!! :lol:

    imo you're not really buying a VF100 valk, instead you're paying out of your a$$ for the metallic paint/finish, the stands and for the exclusivity... :blink:

    EDIT -

    BTW, couldn't they have at least fit the word "the" to "Songstress of Galaxy"... and i'm not sure about this but "Super Dimensional Cinderella" sounds better to me than "Super Dimension Cinderella"... :wacko:

    Doesn't it actually make sense though since Sheryl is originally from Macross Galaxy? Hence, "Songstress of Galaxy" :lol:

  11. I recently tried to transform the Ozma I got from the HLJ sale from battroid to fighter, but I rage quit half way through the process. I was afraid i was gonna snap the ball joints off the shoulders while trying to pull those damn arms off. Also, I almost completely broke off the peg on one of the fighter head lasers. I think I'll just leave it in battroid mode forever (which looks pretty good).

    I think I had more fun with those cheapo Banpresto VF-1 valks, despite the arms-falling-off issue :lol:

  12. True, the 90's X-Men cartoon may not have been quite as good as Batman TAS, but like RD Blade said, it was loaded with fan service. It covered a wide variety of story archs from the comics. I especially liked the Bishop one.

    X-men Evolution sucked, however. The only good thing to come out of that was the last couple of episodes, and maybe X-23.

    Wolverine and the X-men I thought was much better than Evolution ( Emma Frost, oh yeah :lol: ), but still nowhere near as awesome as the 90's cartoon, but we'll have to see what happens in season 2. Age of Apocalypse, hellz yeah! :)

  13. When something isn't subbed in english (or any other language), the filename will usually have "Raw" in the title, indicating that it has no subs of any kind, such as: [Zero-Raws] Senjou no Valkyria - 01 RAW (MX x264 1280x720).​mp4

    So when a sub group puts their name in front of the filename, that pretty much means it has english subs, unless noted otherwise.

  14. No, the head on the VF-25F does indeed face aft. You can tell just by looking at that little red fin it has at the top, near the back of it's head while in battroid mode. What's weird is I think the VF-25S head faces forward while in fighter. Not too sure about the other VF-25's tho.

    Here's a pic I found of the head transformation.


  15. I think I gave GL a fair shot. I watched the first 6 or 7 episodes and by that point I had so little interest left that I didn't bother to watch anymore. I have no reasons to bash it or hate on it, but for various reasons it's just not my kind of show I guess. I don't even like the mechs enough to track down a toy. I do see where the appeal is, but it's just not for me.

    You didn't make it to episode 8? That's the one that completely hooked me (and most likely, other GL fans, too). Before watching the series I was like, " mechs with faces in their chests? Puh-lease " , but at the end of the series it ended up being tied with Cowboy Bebop for my most favorite anime I've seen. Half way thru the series, after the timeskip, it's a non-stop roller coaster ride of action. I just couldn't stop watching the series after that until I finished it :lol:

  16. The SD VF-25, armored VF-25 and VF-27 look awesome! I want them and there is one up on ebay right now. I think it is $75 shipped for the set of 3.

    $75 for only 3 SD valks? Talk about highway robbery :lol:Overdrive has the whole set for $28.99, and if you can wait until the end of April for Toyslogic to get their stock, they have the set for even cheaper at $19.99.

  17. Man, so much Hot Toys hate :p I give them major kudos just for even putting out a landmate action figure, even if it's a BAF that you have to buy a case of 10 figures for (which also have some damn nice details, btw). We should have gotten some Landmate love years ago, but it's nothing but GitS Tachikomas and a couple arm suits out there.

    Anyhoo, I posted these Guges-D resin kit links in the 'Shirow Guges Land Mate Kit' thread as well, but i'll repost them here.


    The sculptor's home page. More pics can be found in the "kousaku beya" section - http://homepage1.nifty.com/musuke/



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