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Posts posted by NapalmRiot

  1. Hey, I'm the one that came in here last month with that 10k x 10k SMS logo. Do you think you guys could hook me up with a large scale Skull Squadron logo from Macross F? I'm trying to make a Lancia Delta with a paint job like Ozma's on Forza Motorsport, and I promise that I'll post pics when I'm finished... if you guys can help me :D

    EDIT: Also, thanks alfye for painting that 1/64 Delta, I'm using your photos as reference!

  2. Oh .. ho ho :(

    I thought people would think I was joking with the paint bit...

    I did it in about 40 minutes worth of work in the GIMP. I love the GIMP, mainly cause it's free.

    It's not so much a "vector" though, as it is just a larger and better looking raster. I took it from a JPEG to a PNG.

    I'm trying to learn how to use Inkscape, but I really just don't have the time considering I can't find any really good tuts out there for it.

    EDIT: Sketchley, that's a sweet logo. I'm tempted to try something like that now.

  3. It all depends on what you mean by "play with it."

    Here's the scoop: I play with ALL of my Yamato valkyrie and I do so very frequently. However, my form of play is taking pictures for a running photo-comic of my own creation. On certain occasions, these pictures are taken outside, in the wild, although I've scaled back on that method and switched to using photoshop more and more.

    This type of "play" is overall not very taxing on the yamatos - or any of the other participating figures - because all it calls for is that I pose the figure and take a picture at any desired angle.

    Now - if by "play" you mean that you will take your yamato on an adventure that will entail him standing on the end of a couch about two feet off the ground, or being tossed in the back seat of a car, or that you will toss your Yamato figure into your back pack along with your school books and take him to show off...then NO.

    So it all depends on how you play with him.

    Another consideration:

    On seibertron.com, a long time ago, when Masterpiece Starscream came out, people were writing things like "boy is he delicate!" and "boy those thin wings are delicate" and I was scratching my head thinking "these guys must be kidding! MP Starscream is built like a rock compared to a Yamato figure."

    And that basically sums up the extent of what "delicate" means - you will have to relearn how to handle a plastic figure. Until you learn how to move it, where to pivot, what goes where, where there are pressure points etc - then it will be like a bit of a heart attack experience.

    But - I write all of this because it is a fact - but it does not mean that you should not go for it.

    As Roy Fokker would likely say: It is the same with women. If you do not know how to handle a woman, then you will be timid about it (which will not be attractive to her) and you will be afraid to touch for fear that she will be damaged and snarl at you. If, on the other hand, you approach her as you would approach your dog or your best friend during a round of football - then your brutality will scare her away.

    You must be firm, but gentle, bold but also patient. It is the same with a Yamato figure. Sometimes, like a woman, a Yamato figure will start to develop all sorts of problems which require remedies. When a woman develops such problems, you must be gentle and help with the remedy - so to be prepared to remedy some of your Yamatos.

    Nevertheless, the satisfaction from owning many Yamatos is equal to the satisfaction of having one great woman for all of your many days. And you can view the trials and problems that arise in some Yamatos as a challenge akin to what will arise for you in your relationship with women.

    If you refuse to buy Yamatos because of the high price and great risk - then it is like refusing to try for a great woman for fear of the same.

    So - get a Yamato :)

    Start with something relatively safe like a 1/48 VF-1 or a 1/60 YF-19. Although, of course, the V.2 1/60 VF-1 is the most beautiful prize; as are the SV-51r (Nora or Ivanov) - but ultimately, no matter which one you start with - be gentle and be ready to break at least two or three of these figures before you get the knack of it.

    Think of it like having a few bad relationships that you learn for, to get you ready when a real babe shows up - and you will know how to handle her :)

    It's the same with Yamato :)


    Excellent piece of advice. And no, I'm slightly past the whole "Come on Red Ranger, can you jump the CANYON OF DEATH!??!" stage. I'm talking more along the lines of slightly regressing and "flying with it" while I make it do flips and stuff, slow motion like :p

    So it sounds like I need to find a Yamato. And something relatively cheap for Christmas. And preferably a VF-1 or something that I'm familiar with (Macross F, SDF, Macross Plus the Movie)

    *wonders if he's starting to sound really picky*

    Beyond this, is it in bad taste to want to collect the 2002 reissue Bandais? I'm just a cheap guy, my mother and father taught me to shop for price and I taught myself the way of quality through some "accidents" (Note to self, Rogue Squadron III was NOT a smart idea Napalm). They just look cool and seem to be really strong for what I'm doing.

    *guesses he's partial to Bandai for all the years he bought Power Rangers action figures*

    *really starting to like MW already*

    Again mate, thanks for the info. I haven't collected anything like this since the Megazord days.

  4. A detailed response:

    Q: So two questions: What do you think of the Toytech line, because I have a deal here which puts Hikaru and Max's VF-1As and Roy's VF-1S, 1/100th scales that are fully transformable at 85$.

    A: Stay away. Stay as far away from those as you can. They are not worth it. The stands are flimsy, the cups that hold the fighter are made of cracking rubber (yes it is possible) and the fighter topples under its' own weight. The fighter is also unbelievably horribly ugly and misproportioned. A waste of money.

    Q: I'm also curious of the new Bandai DX model of Alto's (the VF-25) and can't really get an exact date of release from anywhere. I can preorder it here for 130$ with no shipping charges.

    A: These will be great; although some people have reservations about detailing and we really have yet to see any class A final pictures of the product. I personally do not believe it will be possible to get these for Christmas. So take them off your list for that reason.

    Q: I'm also curious of the new Bandai DX model of Alto's (the VF-25) and can't really get an exact date of release from anywhere. I can preorder it here for 130$ with no shipping charges.

    A: That's like asking if a rotten apple with worms crawling inside it that is in bargain bin at the local deli is preferable to fresh apples bought at an orchard in New Hampshire (or something like that). The DX is definitely preferable. But again - I doubt it'll be out in time for Christmas.

    Q: After sifting through more threads, I noticed the super sale thread and the Banpresto VF-1s that unfortunately we're lost to ebay. Seeing they're 1/55th scale, would they be worth 70$ NIB if I bought one for show/play?

    A: Unless you have a nostalgia vibe or just love chunky monkys; avoid the old Banprestos and the likes and go for the version 2.0 1/60 VF-1s by Yamato. All of them are out now and ready to ship. They all come with super and strike parts and have tampoo printing. However, be forewarned - if you have never handled a Yamato before, you will have to be extra careful and read the instructions carefully, otherwise you WILL BREAK IT. So be prepared to be delicate and learn how to handle these.

    Merry Xmas


    Many thanks mate, I was looking at the Banprestos just because I heard that they were pretty withstanding to a bit of torture, and they're pretty nice looking in their boxes and whatnot. The fact that I was staying away from Yamatos is just because of what I've heard about them being delicate. Granted, this may sound a little childish seeing as I'm 16, but I kinda envision a VF-1 in the home space to be able to both sit and look pretty on top of my coffee table/shelves and at the same time be able to pick it up and ... play... with it.

    What would you think, then?

  5. Ok, this is my first post. I need to put together a Christmas list and would like some Makurossssss Valks to add to my collection.

    So two questions: What do you think of the Toytech line, because I have a deal here which puts Hikaru and Max's VF-1As and Roy's VF-1S, 1/100th scales that are fully transformable at 85$.

    I'm also curious of the new Bandai DX model of Alto's (the VF-25) and can't really get an exact date of release from anywhere. I can preorder it here for 130$ with no shipping charges.

    I guess the questions I'm asking are, would you prefer the 3-pack 5inch models by Toytech (whose quality I'm not sure of), or the DX 1-pack (however long it is) which is supposed to be practically bulletproof, albeit a little more expensive?

    A fast answer would be cool, Christmas is coming down to the wire and I'm being threatened with no gifts, lol. Thanks!

    EDIT: I'd also like to say this place looks cool but I kinda dislike the fact that I get killed in every episode -_-

    Double EDIT: After sifting through more threads, I noticed the super sale thread and the Banpresto VF-1s that unfortunately we're lost to ebay. Seeing they're 1/55th scale, would they be worth 70$ NIB if I bought one for show/play?

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