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Time Lord

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Posts posted by Time Lord

  1. Well speaking of Macross 7.....I was suppose to get lines from 90% of the cast today and that didn't happen, so meh....guess I'lljust sit on my ass and watch the time go by like I usually do.

    Wow! I'm know it's not me who's holding things up on that front - I submitted my lines on the day you sent them!

  2. Anyways to stay slightly on topic, I've got some voice actors picked out for my Macross 7 episode...should hopefully be a good cast...1 person has turned in lines who is playing Ray. I got a pretty good Basara, Mippa will be Mylene, Hawkeye will be repraising his role as Max Jenius along with Timelord as Exadore.

    Comfirming for Exadore. Thanks for having me back on board Hik! B))

  3. Finally got the DVD prototype to do what I wanted. I just had to figure out what settings I wanted. It originally did it as one of those lame VCD's at a low resolution and audio quality for like a regular CD-R.

    So fiddling around with it, I finally found the DVD quality settings I was looking for. Tried to make it a widescreen but that apparently didn't work, so I just did it as a normal box sorry guys.

    However the subs are now hard subbed, audio seems to be intacted. I'm now burning a DVD to watch and make sure everything turned out okay.

    Once that's done I'm moving onto the next area which is a better DVD Authoring tool, looking for something that'll let me switch audios (no that doesn't mean Japanese) for a commentary variation with the cast members....and bonus material like a DYRL AMV, and some of the bonus scenes from the video game that I've gone and dubbed, along with the Aria teaser trailer.

    It could be 3 weeks before a DVD is even finalized, so no one hold their breath just yet.

    I would love to contribute something to that commentary if you'd have me, Hik. Especially THAT opening sequence I had so much trouble with at the time. :rolleyes:

    Hope the Blooper reel I turned in would be any use to you for extras.

  4. I'm also not a fan for the high-pitched helmets, but you know at the end of the day it's what HIK wants so I don't dispute it. Also youre gonna expect some volume issues since your recieving audio files from a number of sources and not one recording studio (I recorded mine from a cheap & nasty internet mic all the way from the UK).

    You know, Gruff Fokker took a little getting used to but I knew what I was expecting via Hik's Macross Zero dub. I think it actually suits him here since its a hardcore Roy for a hardcore animation (Especially his death scene).

    OK technical issues aside, we have to remember the project is STILL A WORK IN PROGRESS. If I know Hik he'll be tinkering away at the project untill he's satisfied with it for the HiQ (Nice TF reference there!).

    Anyway, that's my two cents. :)

  5. I assume this is one of your VAs, Hikuro?

    Either way, welcome to Macross World Forums, Cypher!

    Hi, I'm another one of the VA's. My user name is Time Lord and I play Exadore in this fine production. Just registered to say well done to Hikuro and to everyone who supported him as well as my fellow VA's who did a fantastic job (Special props must go to Mrs. Cypher for submitting her lines in incredibally short notice). Doing the Zentreadi lines were an absolute bugger to get through but thankfully it all came good in the dub (Good job!).

    I'll be popping up every now and again since I'm something of a Macross newbie who only just finished watching Frontier and Zero, so I can do with an education in all things Deculture! :rolleyes:

    Looking forward to Part Two, Hik!

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