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Posts posted by Edgar

  1. we've had X360 dev-kits at work for months now, but sadly, no games (aside from our own titles) to play... I can tell you this much, most of the launch titles (...let's just say, all 12) are basically "ports" of PS2 and XBOX(1) games with bumped-up graphics and bigger levels. Personally, I'm just gonna wait 'til next year when I can get an XBOX 360 for $150 less and a poo-load more (tried and tested) games to choose from. Hey, any of you remember when PSX gave way to PS2? The best games on any system only come out after the people who make the games find all the "nooks-and-crannies" of the current system. ...what I mean is, look at the launch games for the first Playstation (PSX) compared to the games that came out for PSX by the time the PS2 debuted!!! ...and now, just guess how cool and advanced PS2 games are compared to those launch titles now that PS3 is coming out!!!

    live and learn, people. ...people, live and learn.

  2. I totally remember watching that as a kid!!!

    ...at the time, I was living in the Bay Area and there was an afternoon show with a live-action host who would dress up in a superhero outfit and run shows like Ultraman. Spectra-man, Johnny Sako and his Flying Robot, and SPACE GIANTS... I think the show was called Captain Cosmic... anyway, thanks for bringing up a bit of great nastalgia :)

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