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Posts posted by orbit

  1. well, guys ....esp singapore macross fans....... if u wanna look for the low viz,

    u can go to action city at plaza singapura to look.. cos the last time i was there (about one mth ago)

    there was still about 4-5 pieces left....... they retail at SGD$219.90....

    Good luck! :D

  2. Here is mine


    Thanks to  me



    Special Thanks to Noel for getting the 1/48 VF-1S Hikaru in so early this month. Boy was i elated by receving my first VF-1S, its just so beautiful and menacing looking especially with the Fps.

    Another surprise i got was the mother of all Holy Grails, a beautiful poster of the DYRL series with a picture of Minmei in the back. I believed Noel did put up the poster for sale during the recent Macross Con. Its mine now thanks to Noel, i have been looking for this poster everywhere. Cant wait to get my 2nd 1/48 VF-1S Hikaru and the reissue VF-1S Roy.


    Thank You Louis


    you are too kind


    hi, noel.... if u still recall, i am derek... the one who collected the VF-1S from u yesterday..

    anyway, i wanna thank you.. for calling me as soon as the model arrived! Anyway, i only got three words to

    describe this newest addition to 1/48.... IT IS GORGEOUS!! :D

  3. Thanks, Gotobot!! haiz, looks like it will be a very long wait, i guess... well den, any singapore fans

    out there know where i might still be able to find the 1st hand vf 1-a hikaru ??? cos i realli wanna buy it..

  4. Hi, i understand that from the forums here, yamato will re-issue the Vf 1-A hikaru sometime soon... but yesterday when i went to rapid culture (singapore) to buy my fp, they told me there is oni a 1-S re-issue, but not for hikaru 1-A... Can anyone clarify this ?? i would realli appreciate it. Many thks!! :lol:

  5. hi, guys .. i hail from singapore and i have been a fan of macross since i was hooked on the

    cartoon series way back in 1980's..... anyway, i only just started collecting 1/48... but i was wondering

    how many types are there in this series ??? cos i hope to have a whole collection on this series.. ( they are just simply heaven... :) )

    so far this is wat i have at the moment :

    low vis : 2

    max : 1

    roy focker : pre-ordered 1

    but i am looking around for the hikaru one... any singaporeans have any idea where i can get it ???

    oh, by the way, if anyone of u wanna get the low vis.. i saw one selling at $190 at clarke quay (there are quite a few toy shops thereand they do sell quite cheap... )

    i scouted around, and at the time of writing.. there is only one left.... all other shops have no stock....

    sorry, i heard there is a new version of hikaru vf-1s... but other than that, any new versions coming up ??

    and lastly, i hope to find fellow singaporean fans who, like me are in search of all other 1/48s...

    thank you

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