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Posts posted by BlazeEagle

  1. I can't exactly put my finger on it but it looks "fake" or rushed to me, espcially the new uncomfortable, ungainly controller. The PS2's controller "ain't broke, so don't fix it" as is. The system itself is fat and ungainly looking. I've seen better fan designed systems!

    I'm sure PS3 will have excellent, enjoyable games but from a system and controller standpoint, for once, I'm very disappointed in Sony. I'll likely forget all about the system when I play the games but that controllers gonna be a pain to hold!

    Until I hear the words "PS3 FF7 Remake confirmed", I'll hold my excitement in check over the FF7 footage.

    Time will tell...

  2. I liked Episode I but based on finishing it and reading Episode II previews, it seems like Episode's I&II shoulda been a single game.

    My complaint is that Episode I, even as a part 1, felt rushed as well as unfinished story and game wise. Shouldn't every part of a multi-parter have at least a little closure at the end?

    Episode I felt like the introduction portion of most other RPG's.

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