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Posts posted by sodakar

  1. Not really. What it comes down to is this - do you think that Alto was faking it for Sheryl in episodes 22 and 23?

    If you don't think Alto was faking his affection for Sheryl, then you think that he ends up with Sheryl.

    If you think that Alto was faking, then you think that he ends up with Ranka

    My humble 2 cents.

    I don't think it's definitive. It's undeniable that Alto has feelings for Sheryl, but he's not at the point where he's about to commit. But... I think it's an understandable case where Alto was trying really hard to "Do the right thing " and take care of Sheryl and give her what she wants during her last days -- which is exactly what Sheryl was afraid of. Sure, she would love to be loved, but... she would want Alto to love her and choose her -strictly- on the basis of her person -- not just because she's dying, right? She, of course, recognizes what's going on, and thanks him for "playing along", but tells him that he can stop (being so awkwardly nice).

    Now that both Ranka and Sheryl are not near-death, everything's back to nearly even ground...

  2. Long-time fan, first-time poster who's just curious to see what other fans made of it, and eager to share.

    Glad to hear that the overall response was positive -- I thought the final episode was perhaps the most non-stop, action-packed, final episode I've ever seen, and the series did an excellent job of paying homage to the past series. I can understand the slight annoyance the countless references might cause some, but I suspect that the overwhelming joy it brings fans like me easily make up for it. All the little scenes and references took me back to my childhood when I watched it 25 years ago.

    What I perhaps love most about the Macross series is that so much of the story revolves around singing and music. As a native speaker, I'm constantly worried that my non-Japanese speaking friends won't get the full experience, so I am always pleased to find how needless my worries are, and that singing and music are indeed universal.

    The only contribution I have to this thread is... that when you hear the トライアングラー (Triangler) song during the end credits, it's amusing to note that the lyrics are different from the original song.

    Per http://www.kasi-time.com/item-32075.html , the original song goes:

    君は誰とキスをする / Who are you going to kiss?

    わたし それともあの娘 / Me, or perhaps that girl?

    In the final episode, it changes to:

    君は誰とキスをする / Who are you going to kiss?

    わたし それともわたし / Me, or perhaps me? (with italicized vocals interchanging)

    Sorry if that was already mentioned in this thread -- I did a quick search and it didn't come up.

    I'm looking forward to the movie!!

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