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Arcadia 1/60 Perfect Transformation VF-0D for 2015


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Guest davidwhangchoi

I bet Bandai will announce DX YF-30 Pre-order date when Arcadia announces VF-0D's... :D

It may be circumstancial but i seem to think the timing of their annoucements tries to undercut arcadia.

Maybe if arcadia announces the VT-1 or max and miria, it will push bandai to annouce the 25S. Lol

Edited by davidwhangchoi
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  • 3 weeks later...

Looks great.

I wonder what they will have to show at Wonderfest in a few months. :)

those look like the arms T-Rex used for their collaboration with Sentinel for the Black and Red Getter-1.
I wonder if T-Rex is involved in this.

T-Rex were often involved with Yamato's transforming toys. I'd be surprised if Arcadia weren't using them.

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I love it. The panel lines look much finer than the deep canyons the older VF-0's had. The chest piece looks proportionally narrower too, although when I compare to the 0S, it looks about the same. It could just be the longer torso due to the double seat cockpit. The older Zeroes look kinda squat in comparison. The ankles look like its a bit more like the VF-17 or 19 implementations rather than the simple sliders for the VF-1's and older VF-0's. The knee area looks a whole lot better, lacking the visible gaps and just shaped better over all. I really do hope they keep the die cast in the arms. We wouldn't need to worry about the shoulders or arms disintegrating.

I''m a bit concerned about the fins sticking out of the hips/intakes. They could like they could snap off easily by accident while handling it during transformations or even if setting it down in fighter mode without the landing gear deployed. It will just have to be one of those things people have to be careful with I guess. The alternatives would probably be to put them on ugly hinges or have them plug in somewhat loosely so that they come off instead of breaking off. Neither of which sound very good to me.

I also hope they improved the locking on the gunpod handle. None of the gunpods on my VF-0's could really lock the handles into place very well (or at all). They were loose when extended for battroid mode handling or collapsed for fighter mode.

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those look like the arms T-Rex used for their collaboration with Sentinel for the Black and Red Getter-1.

I wonder if T-Rex is involved in this.

The same T-REX designer responsible for the old 1/60 Yamato YF-19 collaborated with the new Arcadia one; I can't see a reason for not to do the same with this one.

I agree and part of me thinks that the prototype might not be stable enough for gerwalk.

Resin prototypes often aren't. And a full page ad might be too expensive for the current stage of the project.

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Resin prototypes often aren't. And a full page ad might be too expensive for the current stage of the project.

That looks more like an article tho. I thought the reason for the 'no photos' signs at events was because hobby magazines will pay for that sort of coverage first to sell mags. :unsure:

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Battroid doesn't look like it will be fun to pose or handle with.

Still has the same issue with the hips/intakes hitting those tabs behind the chest plate and sit way too snug to the nose.

Add the those wide/low hanging wings on top that and it spells frustration to me.

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All this praise? WHY?!

I will wait for Davey boy to find something wrong with it.

It doesn't come with pilots and the air brake doesn't work.

Edited by anime52k8
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