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Stealth versus Yukikaze

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Let me start off by saying that I haven't seen Stealth yet, and I quit watching Yukikaze after the less-than-interesting third episode. But this being the "intarweb" I won't let that stop me from having an opinion! And we all know how popular "versus" threads are here on Macross World! So...fight on!

Now Stealth does have Jessica Biel, which is one more real woman than Yukikaze has. What Yukikaze does have is two ambiguously gay co-pilots, and if that's your thing then more power to you. But regardless I have to give the nod to Stealth. And the the fact that neither Ms Biel nor the "Queer Eye for the Jam Guys" actually fly the titular aircraft has little to do with anything, so don't bother pointing it out.

What Yukikaze does have is style. Lots of it. Each of its incarnations seems to get more and more funky and stylized that I predict its last form will resemble a pile of ribbons, with a post-it sized lifting area. Stealth on the other hand appears to be decidedly ho-um, with the exception of the "eye" we get a glimpse of in the trailer. While some fans would debate that this is either a reference to Sharon Apple and/or HAL 9000, the truth of the matter is that its a reference to a close-up in Orson Welles' The Magnificent Ambersons

In terms of story, I'd say that its actually quite equal, all things considered. Yukikaze had very, very little in the way of....anything, quite honestly. Just endless scenes of boring characters who did nothing but mope, broken up by occasional unexplained goings-on by the JAM and action scenes that make little sense in their outright defiance of physics. Stealth on the other hand, is one of those trailers that shows you the entire film, in sequence no less. There's no mystery whatsoever now, and even less reason to see it. So to both of them, I have a big "meh!"

So lets settle it by pitting each aircraft against the other. Mano a mano...er, aircrafto a aircrafto. I'm going to give the win to Yukikaze due to some contrived reason, such as it switching its AI to another aircraft, or it overriding Stealth and making it crash, or some such gibberish.

Your thoughts?

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I think Jessica Beil is hot. She should play Myung next and should be in the Yukikaze movie when they make that too to rival the Stealth and the Ghost. Wait..... Nevermind.

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No Schwarzenegger = Not a good movie.

What if he was piloting that Harrier from True Lies? Could he take out one or both of those AI? How does his Cyberdyne cpu compare?

Of course he could. And he's do it with the canopy blown out as well.

"You-ah fi-ahed!"

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No Schwarzenegger = Not a good movie.

What if he was piloting that Harrier from True Lies? Could he take out one or both of those AI? How does his Cyberdyne cpu compare?

Since this is a hypothetical question, could he be flying with the Sword of Atlantis in his hand?

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Since this is a hypothetical question, could he be flying with the Sword of Atlantis in his hand?

I suppose so. He'd have to jettison the canopy to swing it, though. Or are you thinking about some sort of Fire Bomber-esque control scheme, where he uses the sword as a control stick?

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Since this is a hypothetical question, could he be flying with the Sword of Atlantis in his hand?

I suppose so. He'd have to jettison the canopy to swing it, though. Or are you thinking about some sort of Fire Bomber-esque control scheme, where he uses the sword as a control stick?

No no... The Oak would never agree to behavior as sissy as that of M7.

I was thinking he could use the Harrier to get to the proper altitude, then eject and jump on the canopy of one of the planes, then use the Sword of Atlantis to cut the CPU out of the plane... He jumps to the next plane and repeats.

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Interesting theory, A1. Then maybe he could smash the two computers together, destroying them both. Then he could quip "Dees is what happens when you put your heads togeddah." which works if you imagine the CPU as the aircraft's "brain."

Edited by bsu legato
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Well, couldn't we just integrate some of his other roles? I like the idea of him being a Terminator, as well. Maybe use his governator powers, too.

And, not that I'm surprised, but I'm glad there'll be no M7 style happy personry. (Although I've gotta admit I find M7 a bit entertaining, just for the novelty, and the music's pretty good)

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Maybe we should assume that Arnold is unavailable when this fight happens. For the sake of argument, let's say he has travelled back in time to terminate Jesus, or to fight the dinosaurs. This way we'll have a clearer answer as to which AI aircraft is winner.

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Yukikaze wins. I don't really like some of the designs but hell most of them look awesome and at least SEEM like they can fly, unlike the stealth one where you know it was a halfassed concoction based on the popular mechanix artist' conception of the bird of prey.

Yukikaze has creative, believable designs(well most of them at least).

Stealth looks like the klingon bird of prey gone wrong.

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The winner is the mountain they both fly into due to bad programming.

Wonder why this thread isn't locked or deleted yet? we have a mod that has an uber death wish against all threads with stealth in it.

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It looks like to me that they're cut from the same story-cloth, or at least Stealth was somehow inpsired by the Yukikaze story.

I will say that at the very least Stealth will guarantee an action oriented story with a clear, although pedestrian plot that will conclude itself in 2 convenient hours, unlike Yukikaze where for countless months viewers are left scratching their noggins, wondering as to what direction the story is taking...

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Stealth or Yukikaze? tough decision.

Who's more gay, M7 fans or Yukikaze fans... another tough one. I'm gonna say Yukikaze.

THe mothersuperior called two nuns into her office. She said that there's gonna be some renovations in the abbey and their a bit shorthanded. So she she'll need the two of them to paint the guest room to prepare for the blind man. But they can't get their habits dirty since the nuns that run the laundry room are renovating some other part of the abbey.

The nuns proceed to the guest room. They were at first puzzled on how to get the job done without getting their habits painted on. But they came to the decision to do the job naked since it was just them two in the room. They carefully took off their habits and started the job.

Upon near completion they hear a knock on the door. "It's the blind man... he's early." one said. "Let him in. I't ll be alright... he's blind."

So the nuns open the door and the man stood there suprised.

"Nice boobs... where do you want these blinds!" he asked.

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The Yukikaze Mave looks cool, the Stealth plane looks like last night's dinner after I sh!t it out this morning (and I had the kind of Mexican food that really screws with your digestive system if you know what I mean). They're supposed to be jet fighter films. Yukikaze wins.

Hey I though "vs" threads weren't allowed...?

Edited by Druna Skass
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You know what? I got this AWESOME idea! Why doesn't Carl Marcek thak Yukikaze and adapt it as a new RT mini-series?!?!? OH, wait, wait, then, because they look so similar, they can edit Stealth as a live-action sequel!!! That would be teh roxor!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol: (additional-too-much-smiley) (additional-too-much-smiley) (additional-too-much-smiley) (additional-too-much-smiley)

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