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Found 7 results

  1. Oh yeah! It's about damn time!!!! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v463/Gol...Ingram1and3.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v463/Gol...Ingram1and2.jpg I am so buying 3 of these things!
  2. Some progress..
  3. From the album: My Macross Collection

    "Botoru Battalion" Nosjadeul Ger, which is a color variation of the toy that Matchbox did to represent the Quaedluun Rau. But their other "Quadrano Battalion" colorway was the SDFM colorway for the male armors. Confusing, but it's a nice toy if you can pick it up for $20 or less. And by 'toy', I do mean 'toy': colorful, imaginative, sturdy, but not a collector model concerned with slavish attention to its source material. The box photos don't do the toy justice, unfortunately. I'd have probably bought one in the 80s if the prototype model didn't look so shabby and the box art (in this instance) look so rough & juvenile.

    © Ray "AcroRay" Miller

  4. Ok, so I'm assuming a lot of folks here have dealt with yahoo japan actions. I have bought stuff through buyee already, and don't which to pay those fees again. My questions is regarding a particular situation. I have a friend in japan who is willing to receive the items shipped to him and he will ship them international to me. This is all great and dandee, but he doesn't want to have to deal with bidding on yahoo. I would be glad to take over that part but I don't see an option to sign up and buy stuff in English. Would I have to still use one of the intermediary sites like buyee to have stuff shipped to my friend in japan? would that save me any money in the end or not really? if anyone has had this experience I would appreciate any input. Also not sure if this is the right forum, but it is directly related to the purchase of macross toys, so correct me if I am wrong to write this here. Thanks
  5. From the album: My Macross Collection

    Recent case-fresh purchase - Harmony Gold edition of Matchbox Nosjadeul-Ger toy: "Quadrono Batallion" - female Zentraedi, I guess based on the name given to female armor in the Robotech adaptation, since Matchbox didn't make a Q-Rau toy. These aren't so bad, really. They were actually designed & originally tooled-up by a Japanese company. The rendering reminds me a lot of Clover's last few Dunbine toys. The colors of this edition differ a bit from the earlier Matchbox edition, and the later ExoSquad edition. Decals are kind of iffy. They don't fit well to the compound curves in many surfaces on the toy. But the joints are nice & tight.

    © Ray "AcroRay" Miller

  6. Hello again, VF-1S Hikaru: http://pixel-dan.com/hasbro-reveals-sdcc-exclsuives-for-g-i-joetransformers-my-little-pony-jem-and-marvel-legends/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=hasbro-reveals-sdcc-exclsuives-for-g-i-joetransformers-my-little-pony-jem-and-marvel-legends
  7. Un proyecto que estoy siguiendo con mucha atención. Me gustan los diseños de Don Figueroa y la verdad es que los juguetes, a juzgar por el prototipo, podrían ser una maravilla. Pongo una entrevista en la que se habla del trasfondo y de los juguetes (con fotos). Dentro de ella también hay enlaces a los tres primeros números del comic: http://www.poeghostal.com/2013/04/interview-valent-wang-and-don-figueroa-on-armarauders.html ¡Necesito que hagan el robominotauro YA!
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