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Posts posted by 505thAirborne

  1. 40 minutes ago, MKT said:

    It's interesting the arm sliders are nowhere nearly as tight as some copies, so looks like only affect certain examples. Looking forward to the full review! 

    Same here, the transformation guides are always good, but the full reviews are where a glass of scotch or a good beer is worthy. B))

  2. 2 hours ago, grundee said:

    Gundamit still has some for $158.99 with free shipping to the US. Not posting to rain on your parade (it's only $5,) just trying to help anyone else looking for one.

    That's good to know should my weakness kick in to buy another one. :lol:

  3. The price on Ebay was so good, I couldn't resist. Overall, not bad, I'm still not a fan of those missile gauntlets sticking out past the front wheel, but it poses nicely and pretty darn solid. 

    Will I get any more of these? Not sure, for now I am happy to have this one. B))






  4. 8 minutes ago, KOG Water Dragon said:

    If there aren't official alternate schemes, Hasegawa has been known to make up decal variants.

    These are two color schemes that I think a lot of collectors were hoping Bandai would have released. With a model kit, anything is possible. B))



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