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Posts posted by Ryoma

  1. 13 hours ago, borgified said:

    Chaotic Yeti has yet to make one for the DX VF-1 (I believe) once he's free, not too busy with his new job and has time to design new adapters. 

    Thank you! Looking forward to it!

  2. 44 minutes ago, Dobber said:

    @Anasazi37 I am an experienced model builder but am curious how you apply your decals to these toys. Are they water slide? Do they need a gloss coat to be applied to the surface first like is done in modeling? Just want to know what the process is for these. Thanks.


    It's actually not that different from applying decals to any Gunpla. I never used any top coat first, just some mark softer and setter(maybe a bit more than the usual). I think you can apply some transparent top coat once you are done but i never felt the need for it and seldom had any issuess with decals falling or peeling of.  

  3. On 2/2/2021 at 2:23 PM, Kuma Style said:







    I see many nice Dancougars here! Congrats! It's definitely a beautiful robot. I am also about to purchase one and i am debating which one to buy. Right now i going toward the SOC R version but i don't know if i like more the 2004 expo real color version or the regular one. Since that you seem to be an expert, can you give me more details about the differences between the two versions? I tried google but i was not able to find any specific information. Thank you!

  4. 2 hours ago, RIBFIR said:

    Anyone that ordered TV Supers from NY have theirs shipped yet?

     Same here. No signs from NY except an email at the beginning of december saying that there was a release date change. Honestly i have a bad feeling about this...i am pretty sure i will get screwed again. 

  5. 21 hours ago, jvmacross said:

    The low-viz is a great Yamato valk, but like much of the other "Yamato grails"...their market values have been falling for some time....I attribute it to lower demand due to the effects on international shipping prices from the pandemic....

    Here is the most recent Low-Viz VF-1S that sold on YJA...you can convert to Euro price and add International Shipping to figure out the total cost to your door....pretty sure it will be either less than what you paid or right on target....either way it is a nice acquistion to any collection...



    Welcome to the Yamato 1/60 Low-Viz VF-1S Owners Club! :drinks:

    Thank you! It's really a beautiful piece! I remember predicting what you talk about few months ago and now apparently it is happening. And i am glad it is since i still miss a couple of old yamato valks that i want to buy. As a matter of fact i had already noticed that when i bought at a very similar price a MIB Hikaru VF-1A with super parts from from japan not too long ago. 

    There are two huge differences from the auction you posted to the one i actually bought though. First, the one on YJ does not seem MIB to me. Second, and that is the huge saving for me, on my purchase i did not have to spend any more money on stupid custom tax(which in Italy is almost 25% and on something like this it would have meant around € 80 more). And this always puts a smile on my face ;) 



  6. Just wanted to share with you my christmas gifts for this year...I'm going to be on lockdown for the whole holiday season (from december 19th to january 6th) and will have to spend christmas and new year's eve all by myself but these three items are definitely going to make these weeks much more enjoyable...also not quite sure for how much a VF-1S ROY Low Vis. goes these days but i think i got a good deal; € 265 euro new MIB. Pretty happy about that! 


  7. On 12/3/2020 at 5:35 AM, Anasazi37 said:

    Did someone mention needing ejection seat triangle and cockpit skull decals? :D I'm open to doing another run of my DX valk supplemental set.


    They've been coming through for many of us. My order from them arrived today. At least one of the members in your position contacted Nin-Nin and asked for a status update. They were told that there was a shipment delay for some of the stock and orders would be going out next week (I think).

     I'd interested in a couple of sets of this, too. They look really great!

  8. 17 hours ago, no3Ljm said:

    If you’re looking for a Zeta that’s already built in 1/100 scale, I’m thinking of a third party released called Tomemei Cita. It mimics like a Metal Build figure due to its diecast content. It doesn’t have that much of a tampo print like what they showed in the upcoming Metal Damashii figure but then you can probably somehow add decals to it if you want to. The only downside of that figure is the messy transformation and it doesn’t hold really well in Wave Rider form.


    Thank you for the suggestion, i actually already own that model and it looks good in "battroid" mode but it is a floppy mess and really hard to transform properly. It's kind of a shame because it does look really good. I just hope that one day Bandai will release a Ka version of it(as a gunpla of course).

  9. Question for all the gunpla builders out there...a couple of years ago i was able to find an online store where they took commission for tracking, buying, building and painting all the kits that were not officialy released by Bandai yet(and even for the already released ones too i guess). Unfortunately I can't find it anymore anywhere. Clearly they were using third party and gareage kits but their work seemed really outstanding. Do any of you know the store i am talking about or do you have any suggestions for some other websites that do this kind of work? Thank you for your help.

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