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Everything posted by levzloi

  1. If anyone only collecting DYRL Valks and is tired of paying through the nose for those missile sets......
  2. That's a miniature runway of some kind. 08 L indicates that the landing heading is 080 and that is the runway on the Left. I would assume that it's a model airplane strip, but then those reflectors could pose a serious landing hazard.
  3. interesting, I'll have to look at the dimensions, and shipping, might be the way to go.
  4. I’d like to find some kind of glass or acrylic case for the top of my display cases, you know there all that real estate up there that’s not used. Anyway I found this site after a quick google search and just wanted to ask if anybody has used that site, done anything similar, or had any recommendations. https://www.shoppopdisplays.com/CS001/5-sided-clear-acrylic-box-custom-size.html?v=80&gclid=CjwKCAiAuoqABhAsEiwAdSkVVFyNulGdvTGC8BM3aCC5H6ZM-naB0wpfYKPTewS8bUqUEeMgmkoEdhoCwSMQAvD_BwE
  5. https://auctions.yahoo.co.jp/closedsearch/closedsearch?va=DX+VF-1J&b=1&n=100&auccat=&tab_ex=commerce&ei=utf-8&aq=-1&oq=&sc_i=&exflg=&p=DX超合金+初回限定版+VF-1J+バルキリー+一条輝機&x=34&y=42
  6. Also the release of the VF-1D as a pay up front web exclusive at the same time that the VF-1S Roy is coming available on the secondary market could be impacting collecting budgets.
  7. Ummmmm.......
  8. If you like rock with great vocals, and have never heard of Poet's of the Fall, do yourselves a favor and give this a listen. I originally "discovered" them in the soundtrack while playing Max Payne 2.
  9. I laughed at the Scout troopers, but then again I also laughed at Poe mocking Hux in the beginning of The Last Jedi, the first time anyway, the two times I've seen it since then, the scene hurts my brain. When I think of humor in Star Wars, the scene that always comes to mind is 3PO trying to keep up with Han and Leia while evacuating Hoth Base. My favorite bit is where the door closes, and 3PO says "how typical" then Han opens the door and drags him through. Always makes me smile if not laugh. The scene worked because 3PO was consistently a prissy inflexible protocol droid, and the others reacted to him consistently as a prissy inflexible protocol droid. In the example with Hux and Poe, I don't really have a problem with Poe as a wise cracking pilot, the "who talks first" bit from The Force Awakens actually worked really well. But then the powerful, insidious, resourceful, clever, tactical genius reacts to a "can you here me now routine" and a "your mama" joke like a petulant 13 year old who was just griefed playing call of duty. Just doesn't work for me. Then there is the whole of Finn's character being played for laughs, just stupid. Sorry for the rant, humor and overall change of tone is my primary grievance with the Disney Star Wars sequels, and I was/am still very nervous about Jon Favreau and TTaika Waititi's involvement in these new Disney Plus series. I've been very happy so far, but I really hope they don't try to make it into Iron Man or Thor Ragnarok.
  10. On the contrary, Star Wars is not Marvel. Despite the pulpy/western nature of the Mandalorian, those goofy fan service humor scenes are exactly what they need to be most careful with. Humor is fine in Star Wars, but it needs to be appropriate and used like a scalpel not a club like they tried in the Sequels. Just my opinion
  11. If they fail to reissue it those already ridiculous prices will skyrocket. Crazy that they might not, but as we all know our priorities are not Bandai's priorities.
  12. I'm just going to link this here.
  13. Very true, however since you're correcting my correction, I think that means I get to label you pedantic. All in good fun.
  14. Wow Anasazi37, correcting you twice in 24 hours. YamArcadia 1/60s use plastic foot augmentations, I think there's a good chance Bandai may be using something similar, but it's really hard to tell in those pics. However, the feet do seem to be lacking the metal mold seam. Photo courtesy of Anymoon.com
  15. Pretty sure it was shown with the GBP, but yeah, don't count on Bandai including this with the remainder of the line, or the extra TV Hands
  16. kind of what I thought, thanks to you all for the input. Also realized I paid paypal, and I don't think they would change the shipping address from that. Guess I'll just eat the upgraded shipping.
  17. Random question, I have 3 missile sets waiting at Kurama Toys, and I have a set of super parts at DE Japan. Does anybody know if I could have the missile sets sent to DE Japan and then shipped surface? Kurama wont do surface.
  18. I'm actually surprised that it comes with five TV style hands, that's more than any previous DX, unfortunately they will be a different color from every other DX.
  19. Best case scenario, nobody see's the pilot in the GBP
  20. Yeah, wasn't sure, I only have the non-cannon ones so I couldn't check.
  21. Either the V2 VF-1J hikaru, or the VF-1S TV Hikaru should be the same figure. the Yamato 1/48 VF-1J Hikaru might work as well
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