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Posts posted by soul.assassin

  1. I'd been already told about that, and sure she provides full access... but the thing is, except for a few there's a whole generation of anime fans (or so they call themselves fans) who haven't even heard of her.

    Personally I'm very disappointed, but I wish her luck in so a difficult path she has chosen. That's all I can say.

  2. To quote some fan who thought otherwise:

    Enh, that's unfair, I think. The woman writes, performs, produces, releases, and promotes her albums ALL BY HERSELF. And she's made, what, 25 albums? Many of them exceptional.

    In other words, she HAS done something different and she HAS evolved as a singer. Have you checked her out?

    True, it's highly commendable that she did all of that, but who gets to listen to them?

  3. Finally, a thread about her pulling off a "Get a Life". I got my arse kicked twice just because of admiring, and this might as well be the best place to get this issue off my chest.

    I hear that someone listened to her songs on live at an anime expo, and according to him, most of them were all about unrequited love.

    It makes for startling contrast that while May'n and Nakajima were able to go a step beyond Frontier in terms of achievement as singers, Mari's pretty much stuck up, never got to progress or diversify or evolve beyond that single pinnacle of success in 1982. I mean, she's that big "could-have, would-have, should-have" who's also saddled with personal issues.

    If she were to debut right now as a singer, Mari would've have a lot more options to choose from to bring out her music to the world. Yet in 1982 everything depended on her agency, who did the talking, the deals, and determined how much she's getting. And then I'm sure even at that time there's hundreds of other small-league idols doing the same thing, going from discovery to short-lived fame to disposal, never lasting a year. Had it not for her being asked by BIg West to do Minmay on the strength of her songs, she would've been an obscure housewife writing songs on the side and singing them in an out-of-the-way cabaret.

    She could've used her fame as a springboard to better and bigger things. But she didn't, because she imposed the limits on herself... and damn, Pink Lady and Seiko Matsuda had it much better.

  4. If there's anything this show can't do, for some cynical viewers they wouldn't want to buy into the idol franchise altogether because they feel it's a nice marketing ploy to sell more records (but again it's not new but it's always been the case even before 0048 -- we have seen Eva's rather ridiculously huge merchandising catalog), and then there's a gap between hardcore anime fandom and hardcore idol fandom, and culture-wise they clash with each other like football fans of opposing teams.

    @miles: that episode was the "almost-wham" episode. Shellshocked?

  5. Ok, so the first ep is out and therefore I think this threat needs to be bumped...


    Having watched it I have to say that the first 10 mins are uterly hilariously awesome. After that the show becomes more predictable. Animation-quality-wise its pretty good although I feel it shows, once again, the studio style that Satellite has developed (began with Frontier and was further consolidated with Aquarion Evol - much like its easy to pick Madhouse and IG shows by their style, I feel that its fairly easy to pick Satellite ones now too).

    From the opening shot of space to the spherical, Yamato-influenced radar on the AKB0048 phoenix ship bridge, theres a LOT of Frontier influence here. Heck, the planet that the main 3 characters are on is even called 'Rankastar', lol!

    Oh and to anyone watching the fansubbed version (lets be honest here, this thing has about as much chance as Frontier of coming out in English speaing territories), be warned that the subs are pretty attrocious. Apart from the typical translation errors theres also lines added or changed to try to make it sound more adult. Its almost like they were trying to do some 'fifteening' on it for some reason.

    :lol: I think you picked up the trollsub version; try Evetaku instead... then everything makes sense.

    If you guys wonder WTH actually came up with this idea, about a year and a half ago it began with Starchild Records' Toshimichi Otsuki, who then came to Kawamori and then told him of this great idea about a crew of futuristic idols as freedom fighters. Next thing they got Okada aboard and took the whole thing seriously, creating a draft script, and after two weeks they walked up to AKB's creator Yasushi Akimoto (FYI, he wrote One Missed Call the novel before it became a movie) and handed him over the script. They weren't sure if the old geezer would take the whole scheme seriously...

    Akimoto was hooked, liked the script (by his own standards as a writer, songwriter and screenwriter himself), and he liked the notion of "succession" and so he gave them the green light to begin crafting out a real show, using the names and likenesses of real-life AKB members as legacy (supporting) characters, and the newbie (main) characters to be voiced by selected AKB/NMB/SKE members. The rest was history.

  6. Anyone by any chance catch the first episode of Kawamori's new show AK0048? Just seen the trailer and it seems that Kawamori has ramped up the loli-moeness to 11 which I find a bit hard to swallow, but maybe its better than it looks?

    I've seen worse in my lifetime, shows that were visually greater than that and begin so amazing, but in the end crashes and burns with a screwed-up conclusion. There are, however, those rare shows that are stupidly ugly or generic or utterly incomprehensible to begin with, but after several weeks turn themselves into self-redeeming masterpieces.

    And as far as this season is concerned, there's too many saucer-plate eyes and SOS premises that I have selected that Okada-scripted show (I want story more than just eye candy, despite the obvious cheesiness and OKADA, and see how far it'll go), Space Brothers, Kids on the Slope, the new Lupin III miniseries, Polar Bear Cafe, and Mysterious Girlfriend X.

    Anyone unaccustomed to (or despise) full-blown j-pop by the dozen may not enjoy watching AKB0048, unless one's willing to do some homework (this includes listening to their music), then slog through 3 episodes with an iron stomach, open eyes, ears and mind before passing judgment. If you survive it, drinks are on me.


    BTW, my copy of SDFM -- all 36 episodes of Ishiguro masterclass -- is ready for this weekend's viewing.

  7. Beautiful work , but why "NUNS Marines"?

    You never see US Navy Marines... I would suggest NUN Marines should suffice, since Spacy is meant to be an abbreviated version of "Space Navy".

    We could debate further about this or whether NUNS has a Marine contingent (or an Air Force), but as all I have seen are aircraft with NUNS painted on the legs, that's what I had to come up with instead, based on what I came across HH's older VF-11 profiles.

  8. Mind you, this show (and Space Brothers, for this season) has a lot of high quality, from staff to looks.

    With Aya Endo voicing as one of the characters. Check.

    With Yoko Kanno working on the soundtrack. Check.

    Be sure to brush up on some jazz knowledge, unless you've got this musical genre flowing right through your veins (and Japan is very big on jazz).

  9. You're not the only one feeling completely skeptical.

    Judging from my observations on various fora and news blogs, both ordinary anime fans and AKB wota aren't happy with the PV and expecting it to be less than stellar. Also, it's one of the least anticipated shows for the Spring season, as evidenced in Biglobe's polls by the prevalence of adapted works over originals.

    However, we'll never know until it airs next month. Again, Kawamori's throwing the dice on this, with lots of chips stacked on the table.

  10. It's embarrassing! Honestly, Hollywood's increasing trend to pick up childhood properties (not to mention the license-holder prodding so) is an unfortunate sign of creative stagnation; WTH they're seeing, dollar signs? And Bay.... wow, is he a masochist who's not fazed about burning criticism heaped against his works? If so, I think he just kicked Wee Bool (is that his name? :lol: ) for the top spot.

  11. *raises his glass full of Jack Daniel's*

    To the man who created masterworks that set the standard of his day, and hopefully even today, I raise my glass in thanks, for everything and childhood memories that endure even to this day.


    *drinks the whole glass, then tosses it into the fireplace*


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