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Posts posted by Graham
I liked M7...But there were times when I ever so gently wanted to place my hands on Mylenes shoulds then slowy move them up to her neck........And SQEEZE
as hard as I can 'till i heard a crack. But that was just me, and in only a few episodes.
Heh, I'm the opposite. I love Mylene. I'd like to move my hands down from her shoulders to her ******* and squeeze B)
On the other hand if we are talking about Basara, that is one character I could happily throttle. Throughout the whole series I was so wishing that Gamlin would plug him in a *ahem* friendly fire accident.
Anyway jokes aside, as others have said Macross 7 is not everbody's cup of tea. Personally I love it, despite my dislike of Basara. In fact I probably prefer it to original SDF Macross.
If you can get past the Valks with human faces, the over-use of stock footage in the combat scenes then you are in for one heck of a ride.
In fighter mode, I'm pretty sure it would have to flip the backpack up to have the wings all the way back and touching.
Does anyone recall why yamato didn't color the visor dark grey on the 1/60 Hikaru vf-1j ? Will the 1/48 version have this same omission as well? Tv version vs movie version? I might need to rewatch DYRL. The reason I ask is b/c the the max and milia 1/60 vf-1j's had colored visors.
IIRC, the TV Hikaru VF-1J is not supposed to have a colored visor rim.
well theres always HLJ but i got my RX-78-2 from mitsuwa or what was yohan, its a japanese supermarket chain but it was 7 bucks~ theres no candy with them and they are packed with dogtags. I really wish there was an RX-79 [G] one or atleast a Perfect Grade RX-79 [G]. it doesn't seem like that gundam gets much respect~
The new October 2003 issue of Dengeki Hobby magazine shows that the next series of Gundam Ultimate OP will include the EZ-8 (from 08thMST) in at least two different color variations and IIRC a Gouf Custom as well.
Pick up the current (Sep 2003) issue of Dengeki Hobby Magazine. It comes with an exclusive Ultimate Operation figure of the Titans GM Kai featured in Advance of Zeta.
Heh, heh, that's not the currant issue any more, the latest issue is the October 2003 issue which has been out 3-4 days already.
Did anybody (Junmei, Munkey Nugget?) go to the C3 2003 character show event in Tokyo (August 23-24)?
They may have had a playable demo of the new Macross game there.
My most prized possessions used to be my original Takatoku and Bandai 1/55 Valks, but I got rid of most of them since the 1/48 came out.
I don't really have a single most prized possesion, I love them all.
Other then the codpiece and the lack of boosters.... the A1 and the C1 are practically the same MSs. B)
Not just that, C1 usually has the BSG nose/shield. A1 usually the normal nose/shield.
Because it looks cool and beacuse the Imai 1/100 scale VF-1J Armored Valkyrie model kit was the first ever Macross product I bought back in 1982, so it holds a special place in my heart.
Are we going to see a slew of broken backpack hinges when the FASTPacks come out? IIRC, the FaSTpacks require us to use the clip...
I guess we just have to wait and see. Only about a week or so now to go.
Yamato have told me it is safe to use the clip, but I don't believe them
Don't forget, the 1/48 FAST packs are going to come with that optional extrawhite plastic part, which attaches behind the back hatch. Yamato say that this is a dual function part. Firstly, it adds a bit of extra detail to that area and secondly, it is supposed to add a bit of reinforcement. However, that part can only be used in Battroid mode and has to be removed for transformation to Fighter or Gerwalk.
The Macross Compendium has some figures for the VF-1: -
Fully extended 20°
swept backward 42°
overswept backward 72°
in stowage position at 122°
But, yeah... I'm not sure about how canon it is.
I'm pretty sure that the events in M3 are canon as they are covered in the Macross Compendium Chronology.
Like the topic question asks I am wondering about that since Hikaru went away to follow Misa's tail on the SDF towards the unknown, I wonder If Max ended up having his own squadron of VF-4's ?
Was that the Dancing skulls or the Algenicus?
any pics?
Dancing Skull squadron was basically him and Millia. Considering they were ace pilots, they got dibs on just about every new fighter.
The Algenicus was the Dancing Skull squadron flag ship in M3. But how much is that game cannon anyway? I don't see a ship of that class in Macross 7.... plus that whole giant bug thing was pretty... odd to say the least.
Actually, I thought the giant bug thing was pretty cool in M3. I've always liked the idea of mecha fighting bugs, ala Starship troopers (the book, not the crappy movie).
I thought the bugs in the opening movie of MS were great. It's just a pitty they were so poorly done in the actual game
Actually, if you wanted to display one in each mode, you would need to buy 6 of each color!
1) Humming Bird WR
2) Humming Bird MS
3) C1 WR
4) C1 MS
5) A1 WR
6) A1 MS
Any word is Bandai is giving us a fully grey Zeta C1? Maybe even a Zeta only?
I'm sure they will. I'm mean it allows them to maximise their profits. No new tooling is involved, just a simple paint change, so it makes sense they will do this.
I mean they gave us three different colors of EX-S afterall.
Now the question becomes: Red or Blue?
RED or BLUE??!
Right now I'm leaning towards red. About 20 minutes ago I wanted blue and before that it was red... tough choice.
No, no, no. The question should be not red or blue, but how many red and blue? B)
how do you keep the 1/48s backpack from breaking?
Yes, be gentle with it and don't push it up past the horizontal position.
In fact I keep the backpack hinges on all my 1/48 toys angled down, not even at horizontal postion and I don't use the upper swing clip as I beleive it puts undue pressue on the hinge.
The backpack hinge on my very first 1/48 broke, but only because I was pretty rough with it and pushed it up into the angled-up position several times to try to get the backpack to sit higher, before Yamato informed us we were not supposed to do this.
Since I have started keeping the hinges in the angle-down position, I have not had a problem with the backpack hinges.
Despite the unhappiness in my posts, they're made with the optimistic hope that drawing attention to correctible problems would avoid a repeat of the QC fiascos that plagued the 1/60 line. Look at how long Yamato took to realise it wasn't OK to have a gunpod hit the floor in fighter mode. Hey, it's a great idea! But get it right or don't bother. And they didn't fix the shoulders either despite a claim that they would look into it. For want of a better 15 cent polycap, the 1/60 VF-1 can't make full use of it's articulation in the shoulders. It's these things that make me wonder if Yamato really cares.
To get back on track, I totally realise that Yamato is in it for the money (and the long haul). Nevertheless, my comments about the predictability of their marketing approach aren't too far off the mark. They already set the trend thru the 1/60 line. It doesn't hurt to be less obvious how they're pushing the fan's collective buttons. Go ahead and take our money, there's just no need to be crass about it.
Having a gunpod which hit the ground was a design issue, not a QC issue, Don't confuse the two. The same with the shoulder joint.
Am I saying the 1/60 line, was without QC problems? No, there were a few, but all thankfully minor. But the two examples you specifically mention are not QC related at all.
As for the 1/60 gunpod, Yamato wanted to making it right from the begining with a collasable handle. I've seen and handled the prototype. However, they were not allowed to do this by the licensor as a collapsable handle gunpod was not considered 'anime accurate' It took several releases before BW could be persuaded to change their mind.
For the 1/60 shoulder joint, yes I agree this is something that should have been modified and improved. Why it wasn't I don't know. Not every company improves products (Bandai's 1/55 FAST Pack fragile front arm clips anyone).
And yes, Yamato are a business and they are in it for the profit. However, they do want to give us good quality transforming Macross toys. In the begining, they had a very steep learning curve, jumping in at the deep end of toy manufacturing with what had to be one of the most dificult product lines for a company with no prior experience. I think most of you will agree, they improved by leaps and bounds in the last 3 years.
Question, what is the difference between the series and movie FAST Packs?
Basically just the color and there is no Double Beam Cannon in the TV series.
DO NOT PANIC! The sky is not falling down.
I can say no more just yet, but there will be a win-win situation for everybody come November.
I've just noticed that on my 1/48 Hikaru VF-1A toys, the paint is cracking on the red ankle circles.
Has anybody else noticed this?
I don't think I've asked before Graham. Which (of the three) VF-1A Hikaru's is getting cracked paint? I sure hope it isn't all of them.......and were any of them the prototypes?
So far mine don't have any blotches or cracks (knock on wood).
Yep all three have it on the inner and outer ankle circles.
I've noticed that the paint on the ankle circles of the Hikaru VF-1A seems to be more gloss than on the Max or Focker.
The paint is not flaking off or peeling, it's just got some very fine hairline cracks allowing the white underneath to show through. It's weird, it's sorta like the paint has stretched and split or something.
Here's a pic to show what I mean, and it's not a scratch, it's definitely a crack or split in the paint.
Hey will the transformations on these be dissassemble and reassemble jobs?
Yes, as far as I know it will basically be similar to the parts swapping method of the MSiA Zeta ver.2.
I think some people need to accept the fact that Yamato clearly hates them, and produces cetain variants just to spite them.
Don't you know that Yamato actually hires special in-house psychologists for the sole purpose of analysing the posts of certain Macrossworld members just so they can formulate a marketing strategey designed specifically to piss off said members.
It's all part of the Global conspiricy and Yamato is actually in legue with Bill Gates and the Devil.
Perfect transforming VF-2SS
in Model kits
From what I've been told, yes it's true.
Unfortunately, what this means is that the chances of seeing any Yamato Macross II toys are slim to none until Yamato have made every Kawamori designed VF first.
Only then would Kawamori say "Go ahead, I don't care, you've made all my stuff already". B)