This is Animation Series : Macross Plus (OVA Movie)
Originally Published: 1995 Original Yen Price: 1500
Reissued : Unknown Reissued Yen Price: ---
Number of Pages: 98
MW's Current Collectibility Rating:  
MW's Max price we'd pay: $
Description : This book covers the entire movie edition of Macross Plus. Included are more design sketches, VF Design Motif, which shows the real-world aircraft that inspired the Variable Fighters, and interviews with Shoji Kawamori, Mitsunori Kanaama (CG director), Katsufumi Hariu (art director), Shinji Nakajima (assistant producer) and Minoru Takanashi (producer).
Description courtesy of Jeremey Lapus





MW's Collectibility Rating
These are Graham and my personal evaluations of the item's collectibility and availability. By no means should they be considered as 'Officially Researched' data.
You are more than welcome to disagree with them.

EASY : These items are consistently on auction sites or at local anime shops at very good prices
FAIR : These items appear frequently on auction sites or at local anime shops at relatively good prices
DIFFICULT : These items rarely appear on auction sites or at local anime shops at good prices
VERY DIFFICULT : Pop up every few months. Depending on demand can far exceed expected value. Usually hard-core collectors battle it out over weird stuff like this
BEND OVER : When these appear(sometimes frequently like the 1/55 valkyries) on auction sites or at anime shops be prepared to take out a small loan