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FigInStock To Be Shutdown


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Sorry for asking dumb question...

So let's say the price was ¥500, then it dropped to ¥300. But hlj website switched to USD, say USD 2.50. If I "must include" ¥ in my search, wouldn't distill.io not catch the change since it doesn't see the ¥ symbol?


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2 hours ago, yman1437 said:

Sorry for asking dumb question...

So let's say the price was ¥500, then it dropped to ¥300. But hlj website switched to USD, say USD 2.50. If I "must include" ¥ in my search, wouldn't distill.io not catch the change since it doesn't see the ¥ symbol?

It would not catch the change, until the price switched to Yen.

You could, theoretically, set up a listener for each currency separately (a different distill entry), to reduce the chances of missing anything.

However, you cannot set up distill to do currency conversions for you. You might be able to tweak the distill address, if there's an address tag (something like ?currency=Yen) that will force the currency to display as a certain one.

An example would be if you append "&lang=en" at the end of a Mandarake address it forces English language.

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