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What is the origion of the term "Cannon"


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sorry i had no idea wich forum to put this in.. but:

I'm wondering where the term "cannon" came from...

example would be something like: "that valk is not 'cannon' because it never appears in the serise" or something

i've never heard it in reffrence to any other show or anything so should i assume it is a Macross term?

any help, thanks!

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Main Entry: can·on

Pronunciation: 'ka-n&n

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English, from Old English, from Late Latin, from Latin, ruler, rule, model, standard, from Greek kanOn

Date: before 12th century

1 a : a regulation or dogma decreed by a church council b : a provision of canon law

2 [Middle English, prob. from Old French, from Late Latin, from Latin, model] : the most solemn and unvarying part of the Mass including the consecration of the bread and wine

3 [Middle English, from Late Latin, from Latin, standard] a : an authoritative list of books accepted as Holy Scripture b : the authentic works of a writer c : a sanctioned or accepted group or body of related works

4 a : an accepted principle or rule b : a criterion or standard of judgment c : a body of principles, rules, standards, or norms

5 [Late Greek kanOn, from Greek, model] : a contrapuntal musical composition in two or more voice parts in which the melody is imitated exactly and completely by the successive voices though not always at the same pitch

synonym see LAW

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Remember, there are no stupid questions.

....only stupid people! :lol: J/K

had i even suspected it was a word found in the dictionary i would have looked there.

i thought it was some kind of fan-boy term.

oh well. :D Me izn't sToopid!!!!1!

Edited by KingNor
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Remember, there are no stupid questions.

....only stupid people! :lol: J/K

had i even suspected it was a word found in the dictionary i would have looked there.

i thought it was some kind of fan-boy term.

oh well. :D Me izn't sToopid!!!!1!

It's a real word, just one that's only used by fanboys. :)

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Remember, there are no stupid questions.

....only stupid people! :lol: J/K

had i even suspected it was a word found in the dictionary i would have looked there.

i thought it was some kind of fan-boy term.

oh well. :D Me izn't sToopid!!!!1!

It's a real word, just one that's only used by fanboys. :)

...or clergy

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Canon, as it applies to Macross, is basically anything that Kawamori sees fit to include in his Macross universe, be it anime, designs, or videogames. Examples of canon Macross would the SDF Macross, Macross Plus, Macross 7, Macross VF-X2, etc.

Non-canon can be official. Macross II is an official Macross production. However, Kawamori chose to consider Macross II an alternate timeline, and is therefore considered non-canon. Even if Kawamori does it, it doesn't necessarily make it canon. Kawamori designed the very cool SW-XA series of variable fighters for some magazine, someone help me with the title. Even though Kawamori designed them, and made up a backstory for their development that could fit in with canon Macross, Kawamori has decided (for now) to keep them out of canon.

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Do you think we have any clergy who are also Macross fan-boys?


i think any preists that collect toys... more percisely.. boy oriented action toys... would be highly suspect right now.

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"This may sound like a stupid question"

"Ah, there are no stupid questions"

"You inherit 5 million dollars the same day aliens land and say they're going to blow up the world in two days... what do you do?"

"That's got to be the stupidest question i've ever heard. I guess I'd row on out into the middle of a lake, bring along a bottle of tequila, my sax and some Bach."

"How Very."


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