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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. I did originally place an order on robotech but they declined it for unknown reasons, so placed a new order on madman instead Can't wait for the series to arrive. Luca
  2. Hi Keith, I take the price would be australian dollars... I think I will stick to the robotech.com store as it ends up being 30-40% cheaper... however ntsc would be lower res than pal... ntsc = 720x480 x 30fps pal= 720x576 x 25fps Thanks guys I'll let you know once I receive the box set! Luca
  3. I like it dark panel lined eheheh no it's just that I decided to go for the cel shaded kinda look because it would be easier for me to do. Thanks Luca
  4. ok, I got an email from Animeigo saying that they don't sell macross nor to the uk, but I've successfully placed an order at robotech store hurray! it'll be 75 dollars all inclusive (excluding import duty); not so bad when converted in pounds... I'm still a bit upset that I didn't know of it when I purchased the robotech box set.... Anyway the subtitling idea couldn't work as each episode is still cut the robotech way and some sequences have been omitted altogether (example episode 1 the lifting of Hikaru's valkyrie from Linmay's relatives house). It stated that this was the extended edition but it seems it's not as "extended" as the original macross series... anyway I guess I'll go straight to ebay... thanks Luca p.s. How do you pay for import dutys?
  5. hmmm It looks like animeigo only posts to North America; I've dropped them an email asking if they deliver to the uk as well, but from the look of their faq page it seems unlikely I just believe there aren't many options for us leaving in the UK ( that's why I thought of adding subs to the widespread robotech extended dvd release. but you all echoed to leave it and try to get hold of the animeigo one Luca
  6. WELL WELL WELL..... after 1 week of planning (and buying the right tools) I started working on customizing my first and only valkyrie. Here's the result of it: www.lucavfx.com/macross In some pictures there's missing panel lining on the nose as I took the pictures during work in progress.... My fav pose is gerwalk with clusters of missiles on the stand tools used: staedtler 0.05 pigmented liner felt tip red 0.1 pigmented liner felt tip grey silver 0.3(?) felt tip qtips water enjoy! Luca
  7. Hello, I live in the UK and I found the robotech first 1-36 episodes box set at a great price (hmv, 10 pounds). Now, I'm a fan of the original Super Dimensional Fortress Macross series but I've only watched it on youtube in japanese (and english subs). As you might imagine image and sound quality was way too poor. Here's my elaborate plan : I'd like to take the video from this 6-dvd box and add original subtitles in, so to at least have the same script and story as the original, wishing that this version is the uncut version. here are the details of this set: http://www.dvd.reviewer.co.uk/reviews/revi...&User=35825 http://www.amazon.co.uk/Robotech-Macross-S...x/dp/B000H5VEPI Is this idea out of this world? thanks Luca
  8. Yesterday I received both the stand and the VF-1A - cf !!!! obvious last night I went to bed waaay too late... It reminded me of christmas day!!!! again!!!! This is my first and only valkyrie first impressions: the 1/48 yamato VF-1A at first glance is H U G E ! ! ! way bigger than expected. However it seems a bit too delicate and the plastic seems it will become loose very soon. Finishing is brilliant and the amount of engineering they put into it to let it transform in all three modes is amazing. really high tech stuff. However I noticed a couple of things I'm not happy about: the airbrake is very "cheap" and not too steady, the front gear's right door has a little plastic "mole" that prevents it from fully opening obstructing slightly the gear. (I'm thinking of removing the little plastic mole with a cutter). Also it really gives the feeling that it wouldn't sustain more than 5-10 transformations before becoming really loose. Anyway not a big deal as I'm planning to leave it in gerwalk mode (hence the stand) (unless there's a way to use the stand and valkyrie in battloid mode for a dynamic cool pose)... but never mind. Now to the interesting stuff: I'm planning to add panel linings and a minor amount of weathering (nothing special..). For this purpose I've bought a staedtler 0.05 pigment liner see pic because I heard it takes a little to dry and enough time to amend any mistake with a damp cloth. any suggestion for panel lining? thanks for reading! Luca
  9. Yeah I'm a big fan of the macross tv series and I'm getting the cannon fodder version from Coolman. Thanks a lot I've also found a valkyrie stand now far from where I live so I think I'll grab that one too. ( I like the combination of beige / darkblue ) I'm already thinking of panel lining it with a staedtler pigment liner 0.05 Luca
  10. I checked out so many different pics of many 1/48 yamato, and some of them (not custom!) seem to have better darker thinner panel lines than others. ...or is it just the photo? Do you know if some variants of vf-1 have better finishing than others? and to this regard, being the v1-a cannon fodder the latest yamato 1/48 release, does it have better finishing than any other? ok, now you can start throwing rocks at me Luca
  11. Hey guys, Have you heard bad things about this guy? http://www.geocities.com/valken_exs/index.htm thanks Luca
  12. a little 1/48 1/60 comparison I just found: http://animenewsi.com/index.php?itemid=9557&catid=232
  13. ok you got me there! at least this simplyfies things as I will remove the koenig from the list regarding my favourite valk, imagine it as a function with two variables, my taste and my wallet in other words my taste must vary depending on my wallet capabilities
  14. anyway my most favourite valk would be the orbit one which is only available as half custom half kit..... It reminds me a lot of early nasa/kubrick 60-70' space design with a twist
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