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Everything posted by Convectuoso

  1. https://x.com/ufjmFR0BF7t5Jq7/status/1705813500902388183?s=20
  2. I just found this: https://delpidecal.com/product/hg-yf-29-durandal-valkyrie-water-decal/1596/ Those decals seem to be a mix between the offical stickers and decals sets
  3. Looks great, @The Sum of Zero. I haven't had time to resume working on mine
  4. I've been doing some progress on this kit
  5. Does anyone else have this issue?
  6. Another Tekkaman Blade toy by some "Jungle" manufacturer. https://www.hlj.com/starknight-tekkaman-blade-reissue-jun50029-2 How many Tekkaman Blade toys exist?
  7. Same thing happened to me. I had Stick's MegaHouse ride armor, but I ended up selling it and replacing it with the CMs version
  8. I just got the Kairos kit. I'm going to build it for Fighter mode only
  9. Great work on that tiny figure. I painted mine long ago, but yours is waay better
  10. Just got mine and love it! Haven't had time to transform it yet, though
  11. Was someone able to pre-order this? My order was cancelled by two proxys
  12. https://www.ebay.com/itm/276018561506?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=50s2egejR92&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=ZxaL2R1kSb2&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  13. https://p-bandai.jp/item/item-1000194043/
  14. https://hjweb.jp/article/1123641/ Great pictures here
  15. As it happened with the YF-19, not a word from HLJ yet about this kit. I hope I can get it before the end of the year.
  16. Do we know if the Japan limited edition will have an English language option?
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