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VF-1A Grunt

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Everything posted by VF-1A Grunt

  1. Great to see Hasegawa adding more Macross kits to the line, between this model and the RVF-25 Super.
  2. Wow! I didn't realize the Tie Interceptor kit was out! I must have missed that somehow. My favorite Imperial fighter!
  3. I wonder what the market would be like for a 1/72 plastic Monster. I think it's just too big for most modelers, but I would certainly buy one (or two!). I'm guessing it would probably be at least in the $200-$250 range if Wave did it, but that would still be cheaper than resin (as awesome as those models are). I'm sure it's just too big a model for anyone to tackle as a mass-production plastic kit. The molds would be pretty expensive.
  4. I'm not sure what to think of the Gimix brown. It looks a little dark in the comparison photos, but while the lighter shade of the F-Toys tan looks more "correct," I think the color is off. Interesting comparison, thanks for posting!
  5. It's great that there are some better-quality 1/100 scale models it there now to go with this set, like the Wave Battroids. Maybe one of those could be combined with the armored VF-1.
  6. That's a bummer on the timing - I just got my payment request from HLJ for the VF-4 Master File book!
  7. Just got my payment request from HLJ for the VF-4 Master File book!
  8. It would just be a pretty straightforward matter of having the fire control system launch those underbelly missile first during the first engagement of the battle. Once those missile are expended, it would jettison the racks. Worst case, it could automatically jettison those stores if the pilot activated the transformation sequence. It does seem strange to have the gun pod slung under the center of the aircraft though, since that would be one of the last weapons to be used. I'm not familiar enough with the VF-4 transformation process to know whether it could stay attached to the leg or not.
  9. I was just kidding - following up on the past discussions about whether we'll ever see a new Wave-quality 1/72 Spartan.The Master Files sneak peak looks awesome! I love the underwing stores, including the gun pod, and the squadron markings look great! Can't wait to get my copy.
  10. Excellent! Thanks a lot for getting an update for us. Gotta sell some excess stuff to raise some funds!
  11. They're really trying to get a lot of mileage out of this pre-production model!
  12. I can't seem to find it with the search function, but I recall a while back that there was discussion of a later run or recast of this kit that didn't include the fan detail inside the engines. I think it had some sort of covers on the fronts of the engines that were supposed to represent them configured for space flight. I may be getting this mixed up with another kit, but it looks like this is the original Moscato kit? I'd like to get one but just wanted to make sure I don't pick up the wrong one. Hopefully SSM will get some more in soon.
  13. This looks to me like a proof of concept mockup to test the size, scaling, etc. Kind of like the similar models you see of new automobile designs. I would suspect they wanted to show something quickly to get people excited about the sheer size of this huge model. I'm sure the production model will be a lot more refined.
  14. Yikes! A guy in one of our units had an ND with a 203 while he was sitting inside a building on guard, and the HE round bounced off the floor and imbedded in his thigh. USEOD had to help the docs remove it!
  15. That looks fantastic! The paint and weathering looks perfect, and the wing-mounted booster look great (and it appears to have worked out just right so they're not touch the ground). The only suggestion I would have is to add some addtional "REMOVE BEFORE FLIGHT" tags to the reaction missiles since you have some forward on the fuselage. Congratulations on finish this incredible project!
  16. I'm definitely getting antsy about this announcement - partly because I've always wanted an affordable, plastic model of the VF-4, but also because I'm excited to see Wave's first 1/72 Valkyrie after the nice job they did on the 1/100 scale models, not to mention their Destroids (where is that Spartan, anyway?). Hopefully they'll have an update soon.
  17. Well... the famous VT-102 cockpit does say "STUD SEAT" for "student" and "INST" for instructor on the side of the canopy. There are also real world examples of trainers that have both seats in line. Maybe not the best design, but I certainly think the SDFM creators intended for it to be a trainer. Obviously they thought a little more about it with the VT-1, but it makes sense that they might have wanted to imply a little more commonality of parts in the original VF-1 series. One thing that I found interesting, in a funny anime art / magic sort of way, is that if you watch SDFM closely, there doesn't appear to be a display screen for the rear seat in the D cockpit. It looks like the rear seat is just immediately behind the front one. This obviously differs from the line art, but I couldn't find any shots in SDFM that showed a rear display or any kind of equipment in back of the front seat.
  18. That is really some impressive design work! Congrats on seeing your project coming to fruition!
  19. I thought he was referring to Mr. Dissolved Putty, from the Mr. Hobby line of paints. I just got a jar recently but haven't had a chance to try it yet. I think there are similar products available from other brands.
  20. Great project! I'm looking forward to seeing your progress on this one. I've always loved the Cat's Eye but don't really have the spare hobby funds to try to get my hands on one. I'm a little late to the game and missed out on the initial sales of the several model versions out there.
  21. Beautiful work! One of my favorite Valkyrie models to date! I didn't care much for the D when I first got interested in Macross as a kid because of its trainer role and limited appearance in SDFM. Nowadays, I appreciate the role of this variant in the VF-1 series, and I also really like the Mater File and fan work variations and paint schemes that have shown up over the years. I really like the idea of VF-1Ds being repurposed for combat roles in a "all hands on deck" manner after the war kicked off. I would definitely buy a Hasegawa 1/48 VF-1D - probably several of them! On a side note, I'm not too familiar with Japanese sci-fi modeling trends, but I would guess that Japanese modelers prefer 1/72 because the models take up less space. That would seem to be reflected in the greater variety of 1/72 models. Is that an accurate perception?
  22. That is really cool! The city is coming a long, and the exterior looks fantastic!
  23. I forgot to ask - what straps did you use? Those look really sharp. I'm sure those types of parts are commonly used for real-world aircraft models, but I'm not up to speed on the products available. Thanks!
  24. Beautiful! Congrats on finishing this one!
  25. I always thought the small ladder depicted in the artwork was kind of neat - you can even see the hand hold opening in the side of the fuselage above it: http://www.macross2.net/m3/sdfmacross/vf-1a-valkyrie/vf-1-fighter-machinery.gif It's the same style of ladder built into the F-15: http://a-37.org/images/SW_F15_STEPS.JPG
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