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1/60 accessories and upgrade parts


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  • 1 year later...

Hi guys. With Yamato introducing option parts I thought there would be no interest in these anymore, but instead I'm getting more PMs. I had these on Shapeways but I took them down because of lack of quality of their prints and the thickness all of a sudden being an issue. Now I can get these recasted which would mean a smoother surface than the cheapest Shapeways material. I'll see if I can include a standing generic pilot in there.

Here's the prices I'm looking at

Basic set (side and neck covers) $20

Complete set (side/neck covers plus dual seat lift) $25


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Hi guys. With Yamato introducing option parts I thought there would be no interest in these anymore, but instead I'm getting more PMs. I had these on Shapeways but I took them down because of lack of quality of their prints and the thickness all of a sudden being an issue. Now I can get these recasted which would mean a smoother surface than the cheapest Shapeways material. I'll see if I can include a standing generic pilot in there.

Here's the prices I'm looking at

Basic set (side and neck covers) $20

Complete set (side/neck covers plus dual seat lift) $25


I'm all in... excellent work, Exo!

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These will be white resin... I won't be doing the recasting myself this time but as everyone knows from before I like to ensure quality and these will be up to standards.

I'm all in... excellent work, Exo!

Awesome... that reminds me, I have to go thru my PMs and point people this way...

A lot of people say that they never saw this thread or the Mospeada one... but I had it there, here and the for sale section...

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that's prolly where the interest came from. I just bought the Yamato ones from Vi-RS myself but it was only for the neck piece and egress... I do prefer my own that holds the arms in place, unlike other people I really don't consider those hinged joints extra articulation... lol.

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that's prolly where the interest came from. I just bought the Yamato ones from Vi-RS myself but it was only for the neck piece and egress... I do prefer my own that holds the arms in place, unlike other people I really don't consider those hinged joints extra articulation... lol.

Yeah the hinged joint does look off when you use it for extra articulation, so I always line them back up so they are flush.

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Sorry, someone asked the same thing with the saddle bags. I'm not recasting them anymore myself because of allergies to the liquid resin. That's why they were delayed a year last time. Otherwise I would take the time to color match.

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Hi everyone, looks like these projects are a go. I'll prep and then deliver the masters to the recaster and as soon as the molds are done I'll be contacting people for payments.

I don't have any pilots to add to the set, sorry. wanted to give a freebie since the price went up a little, but I guess they all got sold including the masters.

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  • 1 month later...

Here's a couple of pics for people requesting what the regular white resin will look like on the white TV valks, Here it is with the Max 1A.


These have started to go out, BTW. Depending on when you paid and if they are not being painted, you should be getting them within the next two weeks or so. If there are any delays I'll update here.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello, everyone that has yet to receive their orders. While some sets have gone out, some have been delayed due to extreme weather, scorching heat last 2 weeks and rain these last 2 days. Also with all that happening, my recaster, Rohby is busy with the SD VF-11 exclusives for the MW Con and he asked for more time. I hope that's OK with the rest of the people that's waiting for their stuff. If it's a great inconvenience please let me know and I'll see what I can do.

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry to go off topic, but I'm not sure where else to ask this- has anybody made extra 1/60 DYRL style handsets?

Sorry... Didn't see this til now... but I think you already know that Kurisama is doing this!

I just wanted to direct people that aren't aware that I designed some affordable adapters for gundam stands, which are equally affordable, and are now available thru Shapeways.

I was hoping to take some pictures of the adapters but I didn't recieve my new orders. But CoreyD got his and he is confirming that they fit prefectly.

Also take advantage of the FREE SHIPPING all day today during Shapeways' CyberMonday Sale. It'll really make those already low price adapters even lower!


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Oh nice, loading cart for under! nice.

and yes the pilots are nice, those are sweet, just need a couple of generic guys for..

Driving the cart

Loading ordinance

Cat officer

Launch captain

just some generic folk that do the job of getting the Valks off the ground.

I've started visualizing converting a Avengers Helicarrier into a Macross Deck.

It's undersized, but it could be one of the rear decks, they seemed smaller.

But imagine one of those with 3-4 valks with a deck crew prepping for battle!

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Hey exo, was it you that was making ground crew? Let's team up dude! I wouldn't mind making some missile carts or ground crew buggies - sorry I don't know the correct terms. Unless someone has made these already - u can make the crew and I make the buggies? I'm sure I've seen line art for them.

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